Southeast Michigan Synod • ELCA

Our mission is to Rise Up! Build Bridges. Bear Burdens. Break Chains. Bring Hope!

Help Support Our Mission

There are many ways congregations and individuals may share their resources for the ministry of the larger church. Programs of the Southeast Michigan Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are always in need of generous support.

Here are some popular links for you to explore where you might share what God has entrusted to you:

Mission Support

Regular mission support is the monthly support given by congregations which is undesignated and helps support the work of the Southeast Michigan Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. 87 percent of the larger church’s budget comes from undesignated Mission Support. The Southeast Michigan Synod gives 43 percent of all dollars received for the work of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American and another 20 percent to local agencies and institutions.

Congregation donations to Mission Support helps start new congregations, support existing congregations, supports our seminaries and colleges and universities, makes global mission possible in 33 different countries, supports camping ministries, supports campus ministries, supports social service agencies and in a host of other ways.


The prime focus of the Bible is on a loving God who gives. What follows is our response as thankful and obedient disciples. We are called to be stewards (managers) of all that God has given to us. Stewardship is what we do after we say, “I believe.”

The Stewardship Team is eager to meet with congregational teams to talk about stewardship and the many resources available to us. Members of the team are trained to lead Consecration Sundays and other programs in congregations. Contact CJ Clark

Stewardship at the heart of the church will link you to resources like Getting Started, Financial Response Methods, Teaching Stewardship, Year Round Communication, Raising Funds, Interpreting the Mission of the ELCA and more.

The Stewardship Connection offers a wide variety of stewardship resources, programs, articles and programs.

Make It Simple is a new congregational stewardship resource that helps you in stewardship education – about simplicity and generosity – and in conducting a financial annual response. This resource can be especially helpful in these times, as the people of God face economic uncertainty and massive social change. Some Make it Simple resources you can get for free by going to this website. You can receive the full program from Augsburg Fortress for $24.99.