Southeast Michigan Synod • ELCA

Our mission is to Rise Up! Build Bridges. Bear Burdens. Break Chains. Bring Hope!

Partners & Companion Synods

Companion Synods

Companion synod relationships of the ELCA connect Lutheran churches throughout the world with ELCA synods and congregations. These relationships are concrete expressions of the communion and fellowship with the more than 140 Lutheran member churches of The Lutheran World Federation. Each of the 65 synods has at least one international church companion and many have additional relationships, resulting in more than 120 companion synod relationships.

These relationships are rooted in “accompaniment,” which promotes the values of mutuality, inclusivity, vulnerability, empowerment and sustainability. Through the program, companion churches and ELCA synods nurture and strengthen one another for life and ministry through prayer, study, communication, exchange of visitors and sharing of resources.

The Southeast Michigan Synod has two such companions:

Opportunities for engagement.

  • Pray regularly for our Companion Churches, both personally and in your congregational prayers.
  • Check the Companion Synod Packet for prayer ideas and watch the Bishop’s Newsletter and Companion Synod Emails for prayer requests from our overseas partners.
  • Check the website and e-news for information from our Companion Churches.
  • Visit the Global Missions page on the ELCA website for more information.

Stay informed about the Global Ministry we share in through the national expression of the ELCA. The ELCA has a robust global ministry and you can find plenty of opportunities for being involved in that ministry through our synod, Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM), International Leaders Program and more.

Speaker’s List

If you would like to have someone with experience from our Companion Synods, World Hunger and / or Refugee & Immigration programs to speak to your congregations about these topics, contact one of the staff listed below to make arrangements with your congregation.

ELCT - Mbulu Diocese Companion

Rev. Jonathan Heierman

Robin McCants
Assistant to the Bishop, Synod Staff

ELCJHL Companion Synod in Jordan & Holy Land

Rev. Amy Cooley Higgs
Coordinator, SEMI Task Force for the ELCJHL